Creating a link strategy is a crucial task for promoting a website on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo. As part of this process, we pinpoint and collaborate with the client's competitors, whose link strategies we thoroughly analyze.
In the final report, clients receive specific requirements for donor sites and pages containing links to their site, derived from analyzing competitor link strategies. These requirements include various parameters like Domain Rank, First Seen and Last Check dates, Link Class (such as crowd, feature article, directories about the company, job sites, pasted drops, etc.), Link Type, Anchor Strategy, and Host Data (including the number of indexed pages, SEO traffic, site age, etc.).
The analysis also considers the website's own link profile, categorizing and evaluating it, identifying low-quality links, and adjusting values obtained from competitor studies.
In the end, the client receives an extensive analytical report as part of the link strategy, along with a concise summary presented as technical specifications for link builders. If needed, we offer link builder services and provide cost estimates for link promotion based on the completed work.